Three Core Beliefs

The foundation of Beckham Financial is built on three core beliefs about client service, wealth creation, and investing.

About Client Service

Client service is the heart of a financial planning firm. A commitment to excellence in this area is required, which entails clear communication, expertise, and simply doing what you say you’re going to do.

About Wealth

Wealth is not found solely in numbers and is more than how much you have accumulated or the performance of your investments. Wealth means building something of lasting value for yourself and the people you love. Wealth is also about the ability to spend time in a way that honors what's most important to you.

About Investing

It’s impossible to create a successful investment strategy without knowing a client's goals, income needs, and risk tolerance. The ups and downs of the markets are expected, but unpredictable, making market timing impossible on a consistent basis. A long-term perspective is essential to growing your wealth. Advice should be free of conflicts and in the client’s best interests.

It is time to have a plan.